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Thursday, May 28, 2015

I want boyfriend like...

Everybody has their own ideal type of his/her partner of life. 
So do I.
  • He has beautiful eyes.
  • He has innocent smile.
  • He has sweet voice.
  • He has good manner.
  • He is fun.
  • He is kind.
  • He loves his family.
  • He can sing.
  • He can play any instrument, especially guitar.
  • He has same taste of humor like mine.
  • He, who always think and tell me that I'm good when I'm not confident.
  • He, who understand my true feeling behind my poker face.
  • He, who is trying to build a conversation when I'm not good at it.
  • He, who always hold my hand.
  • He, who always give me a hug.
  • He, who kiss me in forehead.
  • He, who makes me comfortable.
  • I can do stupid and awkward thing(s) in front of him and he is not tired or being annoyed of it.
  • He loves me with all his heart.
  • And the very important thing is He has faith in God and bring our relationship closest to God.

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