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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Too get into a song

"I seem like an adult but I'm really a child that's really tall."

Have you ever felt like a song very related to you? It was just like, wow. And for a second you think that he/she who write really well or just can read and understanding people mind. He/she success to make me too get into a song. I feel like the song is really me or you could say that it is understanding me well.

It is Sober by Big Bang.

source: here. edited by me.
This song played frequently in my playlist a few months ago (when it is out). But I read a blog that talk about this song and I suddenly being curious what is the meaning of the whole lyrics. So I'm trying to search about the meaning and I was just "aaahhhhh....why it become so deep and sad?"

"Time is so damn slow, I’m just growing old, I live like I’m dead 
I have so many damn things to do but I have nothing that I want to do 
The world is cold to me 
People’s eyes are prickling on me 
I seem like an adult but I’m really a child that’s really tall 
My young dreams are just faded fantasies 
My mood is like a vast wilderness 
People don’t understand me  
So I just wanna lose it without even knowing"

It is just so honest. It's hard to be Sober, it's hard and darn it's scary!

Take a moment to hear this song. Maybe it could understand you, people wherever you are who is feeling this world is kinda unfair to you. And you won't feel alone cause there's someone out there who feel like you.



  1. Wow... dalem yah artinya... selama ini cuma denger langunya doang tapi gak bener-bener cari tahu artinya. "My young dreams are just faded fantasies." Duh... agak tercolek nih sama bagian ini...

    Aku juga pernah tuh ngerasa ketampar sama lagu. Lagunya Kunto Aji - Terlalu Lama Sendiri. Hahaha.

    Btw, salam kenal yah :)

    1. Iya dalam banget... iseng lihat liriknya dan ternyata diluar dugaan banget...
      Wkwk... lagu itu memang menampar banget apalagi buat yang terlalu lama sendiri :D

      Salam kenal juga dan terimakasih sudah mampir :)
