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Saturday, April 18, 2015


I'm back.
And I'm trying to post with English.
And pardon me if my English is bad. Btw, I don't really care with your thought. I'm sorry.

So, I just want to announce that, these days, I have so many task and assignment to do. I check this blog routine but I, end up, stuck with nothing to do. Cause I don't have anything to post.

For a couple of days later, I think that I can't post. I have busy (life) routine. This semester is trying to kill me softly. I mean not really kill me. I want to focus on this semester. But you know sometimes life bring you down. I stressed and all I want is going back home. I miss my mother so much. I cried. I feel really alone...and empty.

But now, when I publish this post, I didn't stress anymore. I have realize and I come back with clear mind. I have to face so many task and assignment. Doing assignment with mates that can't really good. I mean at study. I know I'm judge-mental, but that is fact.

To reader (I don't really think there were people who read my blog), congratulation because you have already lost and found my blog...and read...and regret it. Oh that's not my fault, dude.

So, I have to go back to reality. Finish project, study...and FANGIRLING...and doing nothing. Fighting! Bye. *smootch

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