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Friday, March 23, 2012

Bahasa Gaulnya orang Australia

1. G’day : hi, hello. “g’day everyone”

2. Barbie : barbeque. “throw a steak on the Barbie”

3. Mate : kawan. “come with me mate”

4. Ripper : luar biasa. “it was a ripper game”

5. Snag : sosis. “are you cooking snags on the Barbie?”

6. Abso bloody lutely : absolutely. “we are abso bloody lutely sick to death of your attiude”

7. Agro : marah. “he’s bloody agro about the game”

8. Puckish : lapar. “heve you been puckish during the night”

9. Cheesed of : kesal. “she was cheesed of at the waiter.

10. Veg out : bersantai. “after an exhausting week at work, I just want to spend the weekend vegging out”

11. Grouse : ekspresi pujian, bagus, hebat. “cody’s grouse singer”

12. Idiot box : televisi. “don’t waste to much time in front of the idiot box”

13. Billabong : lubang air. “I see a crocodile at the side of that billabong”

14. Chook :ayam. “we have some chook on the Barbie”

15. Bung : rusak. “I can’t use the elevator. It’s on the bung again”

16. Brekkie :sarapan. “wha do you have fo your brekkie?”

17. Dodgy : aneh, mencurigakan. “that guy looks dodgy”

18. Burl : mencoba, berusaha. “what are you waiting for? Go on, give it a burl.

19. Hoo roo : selamat tinggal. “I have to do, hoo roo”

© Twitter : @CodySimpsonINA

MT ^_^

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